About Alexandra Fujimori 藤森
For my professional experience, you can check out at LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/alexandramfujimor
If you want to know about me, let me share a little bit of my story.
The arts have always fascinated me since I was a kid, the colors, the shapes, the textures, the smell, but mainly as a way of expressing myself. My perception changed at the school when I was 10 years old, all children would make their drawings to be exhibited, within a certain period, during art classes.
On the same day, I started and ended. In the following days, the teacher asked me for another design; while the other children were faced with a blank sheet of paper. At a certain point, the teacher asked me to help other students. This request made me ashamed, shyer so I started with close friends, then another colleague asked me for help, as he had difficulties filling the blank sheet; when I saw the magic of sharing.
A little knowledge I had, little by little, was shared with the whole room and who had finished helped who had to finish. The day of the exhibition arrived, and this was the best experience I had; in each work, I saw a little of myself and how each one of them, in his own style, ended the work.
In a mathematical way, I would say that the perfect equation is the Share, add and multiply.
I believe in SHARE, ADD, MULTIPLY.
my first project with packaging 1998
my first project with packaging 1998
my first project in newspaper 2000
my first project in newspaper 2000
my first project in production 2001
my first project in production 2001
my first package as a professional packaging designer 2003
my first package as a professional packaging designer 2003
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