About Alexandra Fujimori 藤森
For my professional experience, you can check out at LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/alexandramfujimor
If you want to know about me, let me share a little bit of my story.
The arts have always fascinated me since I was a kid, the colors, the shapes, the textures, the smell, but mainly as a way of expressing myself. My perception changed at the school when I was 10 years old, all children would make their drawings to be exhibited, within a certain period, during art classes.
On the same day, I started and ended. In the following days, the teacher asked me for another design; while the other children were faced with a blank sheet of paper. At a certain point, the teacher asked me to help other students. This request made me ashamed, shyer so I started with close friends, then another colleague asked me for help, as he had difficulties filling the blank sheet; when I saw the magic of sharing.
A little knowledge I had, little by little, was shared with the whole room and who had finished helped who had to finish. The day of the exhibition arrived, and this was the best experience I had; in each work, I saw a little of myself and how each one of them, in his own style, ended the work.
In a mathematical way, I would say that the perfect equation is the Share, add and multiply.
I believe in SHARE, ADD, MULTIPLY.